Live Corporate Internships

About the Program:

Kickstart your professional journey with our Corporate Internship Program. This is an excellent opportunity for students to enroll for a short live hands-on internship with top corporate firms. Immerse yourself in real-world experiences and gain invaluable insights into the corporate world. This initiative is aligned with the NEP 2020, ensuring that our approach is in tandem with current educational trends.

Program Journey

Corporate Live Internship Program

From Exploration to Mastery

Enterns’s Corporate Live Internship program is a transformative journey designed to harness a student's innate curiosity and propel them towards their desired career trajectory. It's structured in a phased manner:

  • Exploration Phase: Initially, students are introduced to a variety of industries, providing a panoramic view of the professional world. This exposure helps them identify their passion and potential interest areas within multiple sectors.

  • Certification Phase: Once they've pinpointed their industry of interest, we guide them towards acquiring industry-specific certificates, equipping them with the knowledge and credentials that make them stand out.

  • Skill Application Phase: In the Level 2 internship, students are given the chance to apply their certified skills in real-world settings, working closely with industry leaders in domains they're passionate about.

    Our Commitment

    Our commitment extends beyond these phases. We're in it for the long haul. By the time students graduate from school, they're equipped with experience from 15 diverse internships and have earned 8 industry certifications. This comprehensive approach ensures a seamless bridge between academic learning and industry requirements.


    But the benefits don't stop there. Participating students also:

    • Earn valuable credits that can be used towards their college applications.

    • Establish strong industry connections, setting the stage for future opportunities.

    • Become career-ready, having been molded by authentic experiences and rigorous training.

    At the heart of our program is an unwavering belief: every student, regardless of their background, has the potential to shine in their chosen field. We're here to ensure no child is left behind, providing the tools and opportunities needed to explore and excel in any desired domain

What We Are Not

  • Not a Job Board: Unlike many in the field, we aren't just a platform for listing opportunities. We are deeply invested in every student's journey, ensuring they get the real-world experience they deserve.

  • Not Template-Based Courses: We don't believe in one-size-fits-all courses or modules. Every internship isn't just a 'module-based learning program' labeled fancifully. We provide bespoke experiences tailored to each student's aspirations and industry standards.

  • No Self-Interning: At Enterns, students don't "intern" with us and walk away with just a title. We collaborate with industry leaders to offer internships that adhere to global standards, ensuring our students receive the depth and breadth of experience that true corporate internships and practicums offer.

Our promise is straightforward:

Genuine experiences, true industry exposure, and a steadfast commitment to equipping students with the skills and connections they need for a thriving career. We believe in meaningful engagements over mere labels, and our track record is a testament to our ethos.